Hello and welcome to little round mirrors.
My name is Matt, and I’m a law student and musician in the Philadelphia area. I have thoughts and observations about both of these things, and I want to create a repository for these musings. At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much overlap between law and music (besides contracts, intellectual property and noise ordinances). But both exist in community form; both have their own languages, written and oral; both are based upon rules, and some of the best of both involves the creative bending of those rules. I hope to explore the interesting intersections and delve into the minutiae. The result will hopefully be at least a little thought-provoking. It will certainly be an interesting look at my development in both fields.
On the other hand, I will probably also write about both separately. They’ve generally remained separate in my life (except for those lyrics I just wrote for a song based on the Trial Advocacy case Dixon v. Providential Life Insurance Co…) so I imagine that they will remain separate in this blog often too. Well, too bad!
Thanks for coming, and I hope you subscribe and enjoy!